Tree Species

Large | Medium | Small

Medium Trees
(25-50 feet tall when mature)

The following tree species have been selected as suitable urban trees for Northeast Ohio (USDA Zones 5-6). The species listed are considered for such factors as: size, disease resistance, pest problems, location suitability, seed or fruit set, and visual appearance. Another factor that can be considered in species selection is which trees are presently doing well and are relatively free from insects and disease. Nurseries may have further information as to specific cultivars or varieties, which may be more suitable for your location or climate.

Scientific Name Common Name Cultivar
Acer campestre Hedge maple ‘Queen Elizabeth’
‘St. Gregory’
Acer grandidentatum Highland Park maple ‘Hipzam’
Acer grandidentatum Rocky Mountain Glow maple ‘Schmidt’
Acer miyabei Miyabei maple ‘State Street’
Acer truncatum x Norwegian Sunset maple ‘Keithsform’
Acer truncatum x Pacific Sunset maple ‘Warrenred’
Aesculus x carnea Red horsechesnut ‘Briotii’
Carpinus betulus European hornbeam  
Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam  
Cercidiphyllum japonicum Katsuratree  
Cladrastis kentukea American yellowwood ‘Rosea’
Corylus colurna Turkish filbert  
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis Thornless honeylocust ‘Imperial’
Halesia tetraptera Carolina silverbell  
Koelreuteria paniculata Goldenraintree  
Ostrya virginiana American hophornbeam  
Parrotia persica Persian parrotia ‘Vanessa’
Phellodendron amurense Amur corktree ‘Macho’
Styphnolobium japonica Japanese pagodatree ‘Princeton Upright’
Ulmus parvifolia Chinese elm ‘Dynasty’


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